UN Paket
>> Monday, December 6, 2010

According to everyone who graduated Kemdiknas UNPK Package A, B or C have equal rights and equal eligibility to diploma holders SD / MI, SMP / MTs and SMA / MA / SMK. Thus, they will be more recognized in subsequent education.
Strictly speaking graduation status equality education program eligibility Package C has the right or the right to obtain the results and the opportunity to learn the same or equivalent formal education in entering employment or continue to pursue further education. Therefore, each institution was asked to comply with statutory provisions mentioned above.
That, in order not indicated violate human rights. Because every citizen is entitled to obtain a decent education, so that all could get a chance to learn and work.
Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System adopted a multi entry-exit system. In Article 26, paragraph 3 states that educational equality is non-formal education program that carries out public education equivalent of SD / MI, SMP / MTS and senior high schools that includes proram Package A, B and C.
In Article 26, paragraph 6 seems to mention that the results of non-formal education can be appreciated comparable to a formal education program after going through the process of assessment of affirmative action by institutions designated by the government with reference to national education standards. Thus discriminate against participants of the National Examination Equality meruapakan a clear violation of human rights.
The fact that graduates can register Pursue Package C CPNS is what happened in Medan, North Sumatra. In addition to high public enthusiasm in participating in the National Examination Educational Equality (UNPK) phase II package held simultaneously in North Sumatra in November 2010 that indicate North Sumatra society has begun to realize the importance of education is also the holder of a diploma packet C may register as a candidate for civil servants because their status has been equated with diploma earned through a national exam.
Results graduation package C equals formal graduate. Able to proceed to public and private universities, can even follow the selection CPNS.
Secretary of Education Office of North Sumatra province, Edward Sinaga, Saturday (20/11/2010), said, passing the national exam membership education equality (UNPK) C package similar to a regular diploma earned through a national exam (UN).
The policy was based on the letter of the Directorate General Education Quality Improvement Directorate of Education and Education Personnel (DG PMPTK) Ministry of Education through a letter No. 1048/D/T/2009 June 26, 2009 on Learning Package C.
One of the declared content for the Rector of State Universities (PTN) and Kopertis Region I-XII graduates in Indonesia receive packets C to continue higher education.
That decision also applies to participants who will participate in the selection CPNS include diplomas to meet the requirements. That is, graduates of C packets have the same rights to students who pass through formal exams without any discrimination between the two.
A good news that the graduation package C together with formal graduate. Able to proceed to public and private universities, can even follow the selection CPN.
Clearly seems that there is no difference between a diploma holder or package through formal exams. What distinguishes only signature authorities on both these types of diplomas.
If diplomas obtained through examinations equality signed the Education Department, while the regular diploma or obtained through the UN signed by their respective principals.
Medan city administration to open up to the participants CPNS 2010, which will follow the selection in some districts and cities in North Sumatra will not be a barrier when using the equivalence of diplomas. A good news and progress, especially in education, Salut!
UN SMK Package C
During this time, students who have failed UN SMK forced to follow Unk Package C to high school with subjects that are not taught, said.
Previously, vocational students who do not pass the national exam only equality Package C equivalent of high school science or social studies.
Consequently, vocational students, received a diploma as graduates of general secondary education, not vocational as he had learned during the SMK.
As for the students to senior high schools that do not pass, they can take the national exam Package C educational equality Science and Social Science.
According to him, during follow Unk Package C, the vocational school students who failed the national examination is having trouble filling the exam answer sheet.
Even they had to compete with high school students who failed the national examination. He continued, there are lessons from vocational programs are tested and included in the study of mathematics, ie mathematics and accounting group turnover, group tourism, arts and crafts, household technology, social work, and administrative offices, as well as group technology, health, and agriculture. Looks like the BNSP has studied more about the subjects tested for Package C Unk vocational participants, he said.